Monday, August 16, 2010

What to tell an over-protective (creepy) guy? HELP PLEASE?

Recently, my sister and I went on a mini-vacation for New Years.

We met two guys there, but we weren't interested.

They were flirting with us excessively....especially after my sister gave both mine and her phone numbers. One night during the vacation, we went to Taco Bell around midnight, and they showed up at Taco Bell ';randomly.';

Now, I know this sounds a bit silly, but these guys are creepers. My sister being three years younger than me, whom I am very protective of, tells me these two guys text her non-stop.

She eventually responds to them hoping they will stop, but it keeps going on.

They tell her that she can't hang out or date any other guys unless she has their permission and they tell her all the time she is beautiful and they say that I'm gorgeous.

The two guys tell her that ';If she hangs out with any other guys that they will have to do something that they don't want to do, but will have to.';

And what is even more creepy is that they live more than fourteen hours away from where we do.

I have been wanting to tell these two guys to back off but I'm not sure how.

They are freaking out my sister and I and we don't know what to do about it. Please helpWhat to tell an over-protective (creepy) guy? HELP PLEASE?
save the texts. file a police report. change your numbers. and in the future be VERY selective about who you give out your number to!What to tell an over-protective (creepy) guy? HELP PLEASE?
Tell them , that there wasting there time talking to you because they live so far away and that a relationship between us in unrealistic and they need to find someone to care for them as much as they can care for her and that there the perfect guy just not the perfect guy for you . i'm sorry and there is nothing more then a friendship there .
Tell your parents and they can call the police and let the police handle it. Since your sister keeps engaging him she is causing this drama, but they are not allowed to communicate threats over a phone line. Call the police.
Plain and simple. Tell them to back off, no more text! Don't respond to their texts anymore. Besides, they're just doing this for a laugh. If they're 14 hours away, they honestly have no real interest in her.
Threaten them with the police. Save all the texts. Photograph them (if you decide to report them, this could be useful). And possibly think about getting a new phone number?
They have threatened you, threatening them with some action (cops) would be a reasonable thing to do
Block their numbers

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