Monday, August 16, 2010

Calming nerves around the guy I like.?

There is this guy I am really attracted to. We have been out a couple of times and have already kissed, and I think he likes me, but gives me mixed signals. I'm 18 and in college, and I have never had this problem, EVER, but when I'm around this guy, I feel completely shy. I am usually a HUGE talker, but every time we go on a date, I feel like he keeps asking me everything and I just sit there quietly and give short, one-word answers. I HATE it. He's the kind of guy I fall for, but after every date, I feel so stupid because I feel like me not talking is giving him the signal that I'm not interested in him which is NOT true at all. I feel completely comfortable around him, but when he's near, I can't say anything, my heart beats really fast and I just freeze up. He has asked me out on all the dates, and I have a blast with him, but I REALLY need to grow some ';balls'; so to say and just open up to him. I have nothing to hide, I'm just shy for some reason. I asked him on a date for October 3rd, a concert, and he said that he would LOVE to go with me and kept asking if I was sure that paying for the tickets was no problem. I can EASILY flirt with him over text, like today, when I asked him to the concert, he said he was putting the concert on his calendar as we speak, and I playfully said ';ok, keep that day free, lol, no hot dates, lol'; and he said ';only you';. The only flirting I can do with him in person is just smile, lol I HATE it... I think part of my problem is that I am afraid to be rejected because I haven't really asked him what his motives are, like if he just wants a friendship or a relationship. He texts me every night, so tonight I am planning on asking him if he is, in fact, interested in me. I plan on doing it over IM or text, but I am still scared out of my mind and I have no clue why or how to control it. Should I just straight out ask ';Hey, so we are just friends, right?'; or should I just ask ';I know it's still early, but are you interested in me more than a friend?'; Please. I really need help. lol I guess I just need help calming my nerves. This is so new to me! This is nothing like seeing the guy you like in class every day in high school, lol this is the real world. I am scared out of my mind! And how can I become less shy around him in person? I would really hate to lose him due to my damn nerves! =/.... than you so so sooooo much!Calming nerves around the guy I like.?
It might help if you'd allow yourself to become friends

Tell him you're not usually shy, but feel shy around him, ask for his help, because you'd really like to get to know him, and give him the opportunity to get to know you, too.

LuckCalming nerves around the guy I like.?
it sounds to me that he really likes you and honestly i have the same problem i like this guy but im shy and when we talk on the phone i feel like a dork lol and i get really nervous

but if you really want him you should go for it when your ready

youll never know unless you try rite and he even mite feel the same way about you but hes to shy to admit it

well you should just talk to him about it

well i wish you the best of luck and i hope i helped
Trust me your shyness in this situation will pass but speaks well of your good nature and character.

Until then find a subtle way to let him know how you feel.Also let him know that if a person in a new relationship is not a little shy and nervous at first, they may not be worth it.

It only means your feelings are genuine. As I hope are his.

Best wishes.
How the hell could you possibly be shy or nervous around someone you love or are otherwise interested in? Chances are, and I am almost certain about this, the guy is very much interested in you, and quite possibly talks about you to others in a very positive way but is just too much of a ******* loser to act, and you seem about the same. And texting him? What the hell? I realise we live in the 21st century and all, but what the **** is the matter with you? For God's sake, grow some ******* BAWLS and have more confidence in yourself, because pretty much however badly you **** up, you will always be forgiven eventually and yoç…¤'ll get over it. Now whether that is with difficulty or with ease is really up to you...

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