Monday, August 16, 2010

Some ways to get over this

Basically, we met last month. (december 16th) at a concert.

i'm VERY i didn't provoke any of this, but i did like him alot.

(hes my friends friend so it wasn't a random guy)

he was in the band i was seeing.

anyways, he kept staring at me the whole night as we were talking, kept hugging me, smiling at me, and he even called me adorable.

the next day i got his number (facebook)

and he told me to text him.

so we did, NON stop, every day, from after school till we both went to sleep up until last monday.

during the times we talked, we ended up going on a ';date'; as he called it, a few days after the concert.

he kissed me first. and again a few more times, and called me gorgeous and even sung a song to me in the car.

after that day, we still were talking like i said, about the next time we were gonna hang out.

he kept saying how much i was cute, how he liked me, how im so great and he missed kissing me.

i asked him if we were eventually going to date, or this was just a ';hookup'; type thing,

he told me we can date if you want to, but i need to see you more.

then he started to get ';sexual'; on me after a while, in texts. he would say all this stuff he wanted to do to me.

he told me he wanted to do all of this, next time we hung out, but i told him i wasn't ready.

he was fine with that, but then he started to cancel a few plans we had, telling me he forgot he had plans.

now note; he's 17( senior) im 14, (freshman).

he is one of the NICEST guys, out there. even all of his friends say so, and they've known him forever. hes very sensitive and is extremely nice to girls and won't kiss you unless he REALLy likes you.

but, since the age difference, his friends knew one of us would get hurt, and that i'm probably going to hurt him and hes gonna be heart broken.

which was the TOTAL opposite.

me and my friend (her brother is his best friend) thought this had to do with his friends changing his mind about this and how the age difference isn't good and something will happen.

he specifically told me not to worry, and he likes me alot.

which was bullsh*t.

so, going to the present, starting last monday he stopped talking to me.

i texted him tuesday saying hey :) whats up, no answer. so i just stopped talking to him.

i was going to his concert the saturday that just passed so i was wondering what the hell was going on.

i get to the concert, and he only says a few words to me the whole night, and starts flirting with this other girl, she sits on his lap, etc.

now, him and this girl are DATING. yeah, dating.

they started going out sunday, and met eachother saturday.

this isn't because of age either, shes around the same age as me.

so he finally confronted me about it in text, telling me he was sorry but she just ';blew him away';.

and he was telling me how it was all his fault and hes sorry but thats just how some things are.

he told me he didnt feel the same connection he felt with me with her.

how do i get over this? was he a jerk about this? honestly, i cant go a second without thinking about this.

its really bringing me down... i liked him so much.

so advice please? has this ever happened to you?Some ways to get over this
Hey there,

Sounds like a pretty rubbish situation.

From this story I think that he is a bit of a jerk, if he is very popular then he might not even realize how much it would hurt you for him to do this. But whats worse is that he tries to make excuses for his decisions, which might make him look like a nice guy, but it means it's harder for you to get over him and be angry.

I think that the age gap will almost always cause a problem, and this other girl will most likely find herself in a place where she will do anything for him and is really dependent on him, which is not something that anyone wants. Especially if you get low self-esteem anyway.

I've been involved with an older boy who I really liked but, like you, I can be very shy. After a while we stopped talking, so I thought he must be off me. I thought about him a lot and it made me nervous to go into school 'cause I would always think I would bump into him and it would be awkward. Like with you, he got a girlfriend, and this actually helped me get over it.

I think once you completely accept that nothing more will happen then it starts to get better because you can feel more at ease around him if you ever meet him. Also it makes you look at alternatives, maybe you will like someone that you wouldn't have thought about when you were thinking about this other guy:) One thing I know doesn't work, is trying to get yourself to like someone in order to get over someone else, it just winds up into a bigger mess of confused feelings. Concentrate on something else for a while, like school or friends, so you give yourself time to get around sore/confusing feelings.

I hope you are okay after a while :) and remember that at this age, you can afford to ';just be single'; that's what I did, and I feel so much better about everything now, even started talking to the guy again.Some ways to get over this
re type this

WAAAy to long
I would love to answer this question but I got tired reading long!
He's not worth your time.

';this isn't because of age either, shes around the same age as me.';

It wasn't about your age obviously. He maybe likes her more or she's willing to get sexual with him. With guys like that you never know.

One day he likes you, the other he's blown away by someone else. That's lame.

I think you should stop thinking about him, hang out with your mates more often, start talking with other guys. And don't think about him, you're too good for him :)
wow first thats long! lol. but i think that he was using you until he could find someone else. if he was ok with the other girl sittn on his lap and stuff, then all of a sudden oh im sorry. she must have left him and he needed something to pre-occupy himself wiht.
You were only going out a month...keep it in perspective. The guy is like electricity, he follows the path of least resistance. I'll bet he's with the other girl because he thinks that she'll be ';easier';. I also suspect that he mistook your naivete for looseness. So now you learned a big adult lesson: listen less to a guys words and observe more of their actions...
i read the whole thing. Honestly he was neing a jerk becuase you wouldn't have sex or do whatever with him. He's a 17 year old guy. what do you expect. just start talking to someone else if you want to get over him
Thats long but I didnt have to read it all to know the dealio. He wanted some easy *** and when he seen you werent gonna give it to him he went to someone who was. Thats the breaks but it could also be a blessing cuz you could have given it up and the same thing still happen.
I'm a freshman, too!

It's ok, Hun. Some guys are just jerks who need to be *****-slapped, but some of them deserve a second shot. I think that you should give him another chance. But make sure to make it very, VERY clear that your angry with him for ditching you like that and that you weren't sure whether you should give him another go. But you did, because you felt as though he were special once and you believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

But if you don't feel comfortable with him that perfectly ok! Just remember that some guys do just need to be pushed aside and forgotten about, except for the lesson they taught you, which is how to just let go of some things.

So, Don't worry Hun, it'll all get better whether you ditch him or keep him.

~Emma :)
just forget about him hes an a***h*** for not wanting to be with you. that other girl is just easy and will do anything. you respect yourself and know when to say no. good job many girls don't and regret it later. you'll meet some soon. if not ill get you someone lol just kidding but seriously some other guy will come and sweep you off your feet.

hope this help=]

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