Monday, August 16, 2010

Should I brake up with him over a text? PLEASE HELP!?

I don't know if any one you read my past questions, but I was asking if I should brake up with my boyfriend. Long story short, he treats me like ****. I am SO in love with him, we even talked about one day getting married. I found out that he has been lying to me, he has been flirting with other girls, ignoring me, seeing other girls behind my back, called me a whore, accused me of things I would never do, and much more. It was so hard for me to finally come to the conclusion that I need to leave him. He called me today, and I was going to do it. Then he said, ';One second, I'll be right back.';. I waited on the phone for 20 minutes, then he hung up. I called back, he wouldn't pick up. His cell is off. His brother said he went out. I want to get this off my chest. My friends say to just text him, and that he will get it when his phone is back on. I really wanted to do it over the phone, but what do guys think? Or do you think I should e-mail him or message him, or just wait until later when I can speak to him? I'm just so miserable. Also, how have you all gotten over a broken heart? I am so depressed, that I am not eating and I had to go see a therapist. What should I do? PLEASE HELP :(Should I brake up with him over a text? PLEASE HELP!?
Poor Baby... it sounds like he's really mistreating you. The bad part is you know he's a piece of s**t and your still there. I personally, would not send a text message or an e-mail. I would either tell him to his face that it's over or over the telephone. He's already cheating on you and putting other people before you (placing you on hold then hanging up, and not calling back). Go ahead and leave his butt. And you don't have to wait until you TELL him ';it's over';. If it's already over in your mind and he's avoiding your calls, take it as that. And a broken heart is something that will take some time to get over. You just have to love YOU! Figure out what you want out of life and focus on achieving that goal, regardless of what it is.Should I brake up with him over a text? PLEASE HELP!?
No matter of how big of a jerk he sounds, break up with him in person.

And, don't worry, move on and remember,

';when one door closes, another one opens.';
wowww you makinn this boy the center of ur life eat girrll hes not worth your time your tears your heart if he asks like that just stop talkin to him and if he trys to talk to you wich he should...then just laugh in his face and tell him hunney why is you talkinn to me we been overr!!!

but i know how you feel my boyfriend always got me thinkinn and cunfusedd %26amp;%26amp; i still love his crazzyy aszz but if you wanna talk email me!!

wow. this guy is a frikin jerk. No. Eat. No guy is ever worth this. Break up w/ him soon before it gets even harder (The longer you wait the harder it will be). And idk whatever you want to do. ITry to do it person though b/c the other preson gets mad and you dont want him to be like'omg she did it over text' in person he cant say anything..good luck. do it soon!!!!!! and no youll see there are other guys better for you!!
AWW SWEETIE!!! don't break up with him just yet. give him an ultimatum that you're not going to continue this unless he makes an effort to change. tell him how much him flirting with other girls hurts you and how much you care about him etc...

if this doesn't work then you can break up with him but don't lose it just yet.. give it a shot.

but if you have proof that he has cheated on you.. then i would say it's better to call it quits. you cant just think that he is. if you can actually confirm it then i think it would be best to drop him

God Bless You!

best of luck

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