Monday, August 16, 2010

Should i text this guy or not? Help!?

I had a really great date with someone last week and i've seen him twice at his work since. We've continued to flirt and talk with each other but no contact has been made outside of his work since the date.

Some people have said to me why don't i text him.

He did all the chasing over the last couple of months (by introducing himself, flirting, asked me out, got my number and then rang me, arranged time and place etc..).

Do you think he could be moving slow because he has had to do all the work?

Is it possible that he would welcome a text from me asking how his weekend was etc... even though i'll probably see him at his work on monday?

I know these Q's sound elementory but i've not had a date in 8 years (i'm not weird, just been in a long term relationship) so i've forgotten how to do this!Should i text this guy or not? Help!?
Text it to me, and i'll pass it on for you (promise!)Should i text this guy or not? Help!?
GO ON.. Text him,..


see wat

why not..??
Yes You Should Text Him If Your Interested , He Obviously Is. Maby Arrange To Go Out ?
well i think he would appreciate it if you spoke tyo him rather than text him maybe ask him tomeet up say its your turn you have to give him something back otherwise he will think ur not intrested he will sonn me moving on !
As a guy any text from my girl will always cheer me up. Yeh he has done all the work, so he blates has an interest in you, and if you text him asking how he is and perhaps add in a lil tease or somit he will defo be happy as he knows his work is going good and that you arn't not interested
text him, just say hi how you been, have a fun wkend, bla bla
Text Him- He'll Love A Text- What's The Worst That Could Happen?
Yeah, I'd text him. He maybe thinks you're not that interested because you haven't txt him and he's had to do all the work. Go on, take a chance :)
You should text him or call him. Whatever you're most comfortable with. But make some sort of contact. Making contact shows interest.
just text him, what do you have to lose?
TEXT HIM! as the ad in ireland goes - when you text somebody you are with them at that very moment !!!!! enjoy xx
Yes definately text him...but dont be too eager.

Alot of men love the chase and although they say they hate playing games they do it too.

He may be trying to act cool just to see if your as keen as he is.

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