Monday, August 16, 2010

Complicated - getting over a guy?

I really like this boy and I'm 95% sure he likes me - we flirt a lot and lately we text at night and talk about how we're lonely and muck around saying how we should make-out and he wants to hang out with me a lot and he says he's tired of being lonely and wants a girlfriend - but I'm not certain, I'm just assuming he does like me (we haven't actually kissed or anything). But I have heard stories about his past (with girls and stuff) and he used to get stoned occasionally when he went surfing (last time i talked to him about it was like 8 months ago so i don't know if he still does) which i seriously disagree with. Plus, the worst part is my older sister's boyfriend told my family that he doesn't like him but I don't even think he really knows him and none of my family does and they're telling me to get over it. So I don't know whether to get over him or not and if I should I don't know how to. Any ideas?Complicated - getting over a guy?
from hearing you saying that all he wants to do is make out with you and prob take you to bed... then thats what he wants... he might be putting up a whole charade that he likes you just to get with youComplicated - getting over a guy?
yea girly! get over te dude!
Yes, get with him. It may be a while until you get a guy who likes you this much. Don't miss out.
do it or do it not your choice.....just getsome
i guess ur sis bf must b jealous of dnt bother much abt him...n go ahead n ask ur frnd for a date...n ten convince ur family tat ur guy is also good....n perfect for u....
It is all up to you, but you could lose friends because of the rumors.

If you think he is the right guy then go for it, let the rumors go!! They could just be rumors!!!
listen up ms beautiful sunshine. You need to keep talking to this guy, The way it is going you guys need to hang out and I bet you anything you want he will make a move and ask you out. Go to the movies or out to eat, ice skating, walking in the park. Anything, just go out with him. Don't worry about what families think, Its your life not theirs, you have to live it. And do what makes you happy not them. And for that 95% chance that he likes you, do you know what that 5% is, its that he loves you, so either way you win!

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