Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ok so how do i flirt with this guy ?


I dont know him very well .

I text him quite a bit , and have learned some stuff about him .

I know what he looks like , but he doesnt know what I look like .

Im afraid that if i meet him in person or show him a picture of me , he might not talk to me anymore , but maybe he will want to talk to me more . i dont know if he will like what i look like

what can i say to him over text ?

i told him i liked him and he told me a lot of girls did and that he knew i liked him

hes popular

he says he doesnt have a girlfriend because the girrls he likes are taken, wh ich means he is looking for a girlfriend.

i want to date him really bad ! what do i do ? how do i make myself look cool and fun to be with?

how do i make him want to text me or date me ?

thanks !

any advice would be great !Ok so how do i flirt with this guy ?
just be yourself girl. if he really likes you(which from what you said above i believe he might) then in time he might ask you out. when txting him you could pretty much ask anything you want to, but dont make it seem to desperate to date him, cus most guys i know find that as a turn-off.

good luck with this guy, hope it works out well!!Ok so how do i flirt with this guy ?
be yourself.

he wouldn't still be talking to you if he didn't like you.

or does he even know you?
Why do you want to be with him??

Maybe he's hot but he's a jerkkkk.

';I know you like me, ALL THE GIRLS I LIKE ARE TAKEN';

Are you blind??????????
im 13 too and im in the exact situation, u shouldn't of told him u like him, u should of made him come to you. IM in the exact situation as you this is what i do:

smile alot, wait until he texts you,give him white lies to make him into you, show abit of cleavage, flirt, when he says something that's mean just look at him and be like your soo mean or ur such an ***, works for me.

Next step is make him want you, stay with other guys flirt with other guys and play hard to get but flirt. then as soon as u find out hes interested hang out with him a few times and get to know eachother more

he will most probably start fallign for you and also dont be shy, be loud but not too loud. where im at right now is the popular guy likes me and i do to and i made it get to him but i show not TOO much intrest.

  • medium hair styles
  • school myspace
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