Monday, August 16, 2010

Major flirt: does he like me?

okay so me and this guy have been friends, and he is a HUGE flirt, always has been but he's hilarious!!!!! well hes always been a flirt with me but yesterday he randomly walked up to me and out his hand on my sholder and whispered in my ear ';you look really good today!'; and he started sittin by me at lunch this week, and will look over and smile at me, its weird! and he isnt a texter he never texts people back and everyone will say that, but he actually texted me earlier and had a conversation with me. and i told him a felt bad about somethin so he came and sat on my desk and tried to make me feel better. hes really popular, and im not EXTREMELY popular, like him, but i dated his best friend a month ago, so im not out of his league really.

but do u think he actually may like me now? how can tell with guys that are natuarally outgoing and a flirt

(p.s. he always leans on my should and comes around me when im nowhere near him, and txts me bak, he never txts people bak lol )

... hes a mojor flirt, but idc cuz i am too usually(: lol but still, culd he actually like me...

(p.s. since we've been texting he's gotten to wear sometimes he acts all weird around me, not himself, and ignored me sometimes, and other times he's just fine.)Major flirt: does he like me?
most likelyMajor flirt: does he like me?
its always hard to read guys and i've been in situations like this before. from the sound of it though, it seems like there is some sort of attraction there. if he notices your appearance, then thats a hint right off the bat and you catch him staring at you...definitely!! try hanging out together. like just the two of you guys. testing someones personal space is a good indication if that person likes you or not. like if you guys are at the movies and you ';accidentally'; bump legs or arms and he doesn't scoot over then thats a definite sign. us females have that good sense of when something is different and you'll be able to tell. just go with your gut! oh and if he doesn't normally responds to texts but has fully conversations with you!!!...i'd say that he likes you! good luck!

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