Monday, August 16, 2010

How do I get over a guy I see in class everyday?

Okay so heres how it goes :

Me and this guy from my math class named jeremy started texting and talking to eachother. and at first I really wasn't into him. but after a while I started to like him a lot.( keep in mine hes sooooooooooooo freakin cute!!! with an unbelievably nice body and smells SOOO good.) He would text me every day after school, and at night we would talk on the phone. We would flirt a lot on the phone and when we would see eachother on campus. Everytime we would hug he would kiss my cheek and neck ( I really miss those especially =(.. ) but basically we were ';talking'; romatically. We were more than friends. We never got to hang out outside of school, but he really wanted too. All my friends would tell me to stop talking to him, because they knew he was a player and he was just not a guy I should be with. They would tell me he only wanted ONE thing from me..and I believed them, but I still didn't stop.I didn't care!!! I liked him ALOT. I liked his company. So one day one of my friends told me she had seen him making out with another girl on campus. He had told me that him and this girl stopped talking, and they were just friends. So he was LYING to me this whole time!!!.... and I didn't want to sit around and be played like that. So basically I ignored him when he came up to me that day. and I told him through text what I knew.... and he didn't even deny it. and all he said was ';alright whatever.'; and in school he didn't even ask me about it. So Im guessing he dosn't even care. and he only wanted one thing from me. its been like three days that we havnt spoken at all. How do I get over him?? I see him everyday in class, and it kills me. I miss him so much =(. I wish he would text me saying sorry.How do I get over a guy I see in class everyday?
You sound pretty shallow and that you were only after him for his looks. And if you never got to hang out outside of school then you weren't more than friends. I'd just look for someone new that isn't such a player.How do I get over a guy I see in class everyday?
im in the same situation with this boy name tony.. what i said to myself every night before i go to bed is F**k tony i deserve better than that im not ganna settle for less i want the best. and i would tell myself that in the morning to.. as long as you say that before you go to sleep and when you wake up you'll finally forget about him and find some other boy to like. it worked for me i hope it works for you to
Move on or join him in future escapades.
he's not the only thing in your life. calm the **** down, hang out with your other friends, get to know some other guys, and DO NOT THINK ABOUT HIM.
dont reply if your serious see some one else see can you change classes
Well ill say yeah he prob is a player... But so wht if he only wants one thing... if ur tht into him then give him wht he wants and you will prob like him even more
find a place to sit in class where you can't see him......sorry about your situation....

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