Monday, August 16, 2010

Ladies: Which is worse: a guy that text you too much or not enough?

I'm kind of stumped on how to proceed with this girl:

I recently went on a first date with a girl, and it went really well. We talked about going out again next week, after she went on vacation. She told me to call her the next day, while she was driving to her vacation destination, so she wouldn't be bored.

So, I called her and we talked for almost 3 hours or so. We learned quite a bit about each other, and flirted back and forth over the phone. She even said things like I was cute and that I was the guy version of her (personality wise) during our talk on the phone.

I am kind of an idiot when it comes to dating, and don't want to smother her right away. In past relationships, I usually end up either texting/calling too much or way too little. Thus, I want to build up some interest with this girl, and I really like her too, so I want to keep up a dialogue with her while she is out of town. So... is there a rule of thumb on texting/calling? Or is it just call and text whenever? Also, she won't be back in the area until next week, Tuesday.Ladies: Which is worse: a guy that text you too much or not enough?
Moderation in most things is a good thing. You don't want to text her too much or not enough. Maybe you can initiate something with a text a day. Ask her what her plans will be and how her vacation is going. Then she can respond back to you. Just try not to go overboard with it. This was she knows you're interested still, despite the fact that she is away, and it lets her know that you're thinking about her. So I say at least one a day, or more depending if you get a conversation going by texting. Good luck!Ladies: Which is worse: a guy that text you too much or not enough?
wait for her to text you.
didn't read it but to answer you question.

i think you should keep it in the middle.

don't text to much cause that gets annoyin.

but don't text to little, just to show you still have interest.

hope this helped in some kind of way :)
Not enough is worse because then I feel like they aren't thinking about me and don't care that much... at least if they text a lot you know you're important to them even if it can get annoying.
txts to much
You got to feel it out. If i dont text enough, then theres when my girl gets pissed. So just text her how you would the average person.
I'd say a few texts/calls a day is ok...and I'd let her call/text you first on some occasions, but more than that might seem clingy...
Im all for go after what you want, within in reason. If you know she's going to be back tuesday, I'd call her (I hate texting.. be a man! Give her a call) and see if she wants to hang out wednesday when she gets back (She might be tired tuesday)

If she says yes, then leave it be, and text her tuesday night perhaps, to make sure she got home safe.
No rule but sounds like she likes you too same thing happened to my husband now and I. We meet and a week later he went out of town for 2 weeks so when he was driving we talked and when he got there we didn't talk much which was fine. But he would text or call once a day or every couple days just to show that he is still int rested and it worked for me. If he didn't i would think he wasn't at all.
im not really sure i don't do the text thing, so i'm not really sure what is to much or not enough. maybe you could just text her once a day during the week then a lil more on the weekend then if you think she is getting annoyed then just send her smoke signals lol
dont wait for her!!the guy should be the first!!not enough sucks!!but too to much is a bad thing!
here's a tip bro

Do not i repeat do not text her too much.

You want to remain mysterious at all times trust me, tell her a little about yourself and also remain mysterious, always the be the first to leave a conversation.

This is only going to make her want to know more about you and talk more to you.

Give her little flirts and teases then be like i got to go

trust me this will make her fall in love.
i hate when people in general over call/text, its annoying. i would personally be completely turned off if i received often and consistent phone calls. but this girl your talking about could love the attention, idk. im a girl... and i like my space
Gabriel R - That does not make a girl fall in love. That makes a girl think you are playing games and the girl will lose interest.

Calling - Call her once, if she doesn't pick up, call again. Maybe she never got to it in time. If she doesn't pick up leave it. Try again in a few hours. Never exceed four unanswered calls in one day. If she picks up, have your conversation, ask her if there is a preferred time to call her back.

Texting - Text her once. If text goes unresponded, text in a few hours, if again unresponded, try a few hours later. Never exceed three unresponsive messages. Text as much as you like so long as messages and being replied to and she is not sending short messages for a prolonged period of time.
I'd rather a guy text me a lot than a little. If he only texts a little I'd think he thinks I'm boring, can't be bothered to, or doesn't like me.

The only reason I WOULDN'T want him to text me a lot is if he said stupid annoying stuff on the texts or something. But ';hey, whatcha up to?'; and stuff like that is fine.

Also try not to text her too late at night cause you don't want to keep her up when she's trying to sleep.
if you text too much, you will seem clingy. Avoid that at all costs.

start out texting her every other day and she will text you inbetween if she wants to talk.

Have fun, follow your gut. :)

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