Monday, August 16, 2010

How to get over a guy, thats so obviously moved on?

so him and i were a thing. he told me he just wanted to be friends, when i still really liked him.

yet he continued to flirt with me, only ever by text and msn tho, but it was all the time.

so i've been stupid enough to just wait, and hope that it will start up again. thinking i have a chance.

because he'd been giving me that impression.

read some stuff today that proves he's got something going on with another girl. i had assumed he liked her. but to actually read for myself that he's saying the same type of stuff with her as he once did with me is just a punch in the guts.

now my question is, how do i get over him?

i know he's not interested, he just does it so i will like him and he can feel better about himself.

but i'm not over it. i think about him a lot and he doesn't even look my way anymore.

i've been trying so hard to get him interested again, and its just stupid.

so please help!

and i can't stay away from him, cause he's in my group. and i can't talk to him about.

i just need ways to forget about him, in that way.

please help, this is driving me insane ):

what would you do if you were me, liking a guy thats so totally not interested anymore and has moved on?How to get over a guy, thats so obviously moved on?
aw sweetie i know how you feel. This happened to me and today I saw him with his ex and it looks like they're back together ugh. But don't you dare pine over him. You need to remember somethings- essentially that he's the loser here, not you. If he's moved on to her then obviously he's not that into her, because if he was then he wouldn't have even considered going out with another girl. If his attention wasn't 100% solely on her then he's obviously not that into her. She is NOT better than you, nor is he. (if anything its probably the other way round, seeing as nowadays us girls seem to be going after guys who are at least 3 points below us on the scale lol). He is a loser because hes been stringing you along to boost his own ego. btw he did like you a bit, just not enough. They only do that to girls they find interesting (because you dont get an ego boost from knowing that an ';unattractive'; girl is into you.). However, dont let that give you false hope because ultimately, although he liked you he doesn't actually care about you -liking and caring are 2 different things for men. And if you stay pining after him you are selling yourself short because he clearly doesn't deserve an iota of your attention. The guy I was into seems to love getting attention off me even if its just a glance, it really is pathetic. Its like theyre so desperate for attention but when you give it to them they quickly cast you off till its time for another boost. Well I REFUSE to be treated like someones cheap back up and you should too. Its time to say ';**** you'; to this guy and focus on your own sense of self worth. I.e. build it up constantly. If you find yourself thinking about him then stop it, by doing something to do with yourself instead. Ideas include: give yourself a makover, go buy a new dress, test out make up, go out and flirt with some cute guys, or take out some pen and paper and write out a list of everything you like about yourself - personality and looks-wise (mine has 60+ bullet points on it). Nothing negative allowed. Also, list the ways in which you're superior to the guy and the other girl too (e.g. Im 3 x as good-looking as her and about 1.75 x better looking than him). And when you see him, make sure you look your best and then ignore the hell out of him. It'll bother him even if he does only like you now for the ego boost. Because people who use others for ego boosts thrive on attention, so naturally if he doesnt get it he'll feel crestfallen. And why does he need constant ego boosting anyway? It really says something about someone when they need attention off people they don't even care about (remember caring and liking/being attracted to someone are two different things for men) to feel good about themselves. I.e. that they're insecure and have low self-esteem under that puffed up arrogance. YOU ARE BETTER THAN HIM so start showing him and the rest of the world, aswell as yourself, that you believe it. Your self-esteem will go through the roof if you follow my advice, and with any luck he may just regret what he's thrown away if he sees you looking gorgeous and super-confident all the time.How to get over a guy, thats so obviously moved on?
This isn't going to help,, but i am in the same position as you ... we went out for four months and he even lived with me for a while then i found out he was cheating on me! That was last June! I think if you REALLY care about someone you will always have them somewhere in your mind and heart! He is telling basicaly every new gf how much he loves them and i feel stabbed in the heart every single time!

Im hoping it will get better in time!

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