Monday, August 16, 2010

I'vd liked this guy for over a year and a do i get him.its a long story but please help.?

this is gonna be extremly long so if you dont wannt read all of it then skip to the bottom but if your really bored then this should pass sometime for you.ahah

so ever since the first day i met him i new i would never forget him.its sounds really weird but i met him over the phone.i was really good friends with this one guy and i call him every night. so when i called him one night his friend answered the phone(the guy im trying to get now). and he stared talking to me and being all sweet. i ended up staying on the phone with him for 30 hours! by that point we gotten to know everything about eachother,had nicknames(i was his boo and he was my baby),he told me he loved me after 13 hours of talking, and i felt the same, and it felt like we've known eachother our whole lives.i know it sounds really cheezy but i never thought i could fall in love so fast untill that night.

so the next day we hung out and he asked me out.the thing was that we went to different school. so i would call him every night and we'd stay on the phone till we fell asleep.but after a week i felt like i cant date someone if i cant see them so i broke up with him and then after a couple day we got back together. then we still didnt see eachother so i broke up with him again.after that we stoped talking and he wouldnt reply to my texts. then time pasted by and we would sometimes talk. but then we stopped again for a couple months.before i new it, it was already summer and i havent gone a day wirth out thinking of him.i cried every night of summer thinkin about him and how he wasnt mine. but during the summer i decided to randomly text him. his reply wasnt what i was hopeing for.

him-';why the f*** are you texting me';.

me-';cause i was just thinkin of you';

him-';but why now??';

me-';cause i could never find the right time to talk to you';

him-';well do you like me or what?';


him-';dont lie to me.';

me-';well yeah.';

him-';why the f*** didnt you tell me this erlier';

me-';what do you mean.. if i would have told you, you wouldnt reply and think im weird';

him-';NO. i've liked you since the day i met you. i've never spent a day not thinkin of you. i thought you hated me.if i knew you liked me i would have asked you out and we would be dating now';

me-'; sorry.but why dont you ask me now?';

him-';cause i spent so long tring to get over you that its finally hurt me and the last thing i need is for you to do it again.';

me-';please dont do this. i never knew you felt that way. i've never gotten over you and i never tried to cause i new that somehow, someway we would get back together.i love you and nothings gonna change that.please dont leave.';

him-';im sorry. just please dont talk to me.';

(convo. done)

yeah it was intense. and long. but after a month past we talked and we're friends .and we would have these things were if he texted me and i replied 10 minutes after he would wait 10 minutes to reply to that and some times we took a whole days to say 3 things.we've been friends ever since and just last month he was talking to me and he was flirting with me and then asked who i liked and i flat out said ';still you.'; and then he replied saying '; :] '; and i asked him who he liked and he said he liked me and then he went on with a bunch of stuff like';..but we would never see eachother and if we did we would probly do nothing..ect. ect.'; and i told him i would go outta my way to see him and that i promise i would be a better girlfriend this time. but he ended up not asking me out. so we stopped talking for like 5 weeks and then just last friday i was hanging out at mccdonalds with my friend and i saw him for the first time in ever and he smiled and his friends kept looking at me then smiling and tellin him stuff and then they all walked up to me and he was about to say somethin and then just smiled and stared for a while(he looked really cute[: ) and then just walked away and went out side and was looking at me threw the window and that night i went to the movies with some friends and i was waiting for my friends to come and he walked passed me and smiled and then we ended up seeing the same movie and he sat like 3 rows behind me and then the next night i got a prank call from him(he used to do that all the time when we were dating cause he knows i like prank calls) and he was asking me if i wanted to buy a porn package and he was using his gay voice. lmao. and since i was speachless casue i havent talked in a long time to him. my friend was actin like she was me and talking to him.

sorry that was pretty much a life-time story.but i felt like you needed to know the whole story.ahah.i know your probly thinkin that its just some teen love but seriously i've had like 8 boyfriends and he's the only one that makes me feel the way i do when im with/talking to him.i know that odds are i wont love him forever. and that i'll find someone else when im older. but its just this thing im dealing with in my teen years and im notI'vd liked this guy for over a year and a do i get him.its a long story but please help.?
i've had something like that happen. %26amp; i lost him):

%26amp; if you don't want that happening to you, this is what you gotta do.

tell him, but don't just like dump it on him when you randomly texted him. wait until you guys are in a conversation, then TRY TO LEAN into a ';who do you like'; conversation. (notice how i say LEAN) which what im trying to say is, slowly turn into a ';who do you like conversation'; hahah.

then say, heyy _____? (whatever his name is, %26amp; kinda say the sentence in a question like your trying to get his attention.) i know i haven't been the best girlfriend, but i just realized something. i love you. i've had boyfriends in the past, but never have had the feeling i feel about you right now. if you could give me one more chance, i'll prove to you things will be differant.

then see what he says. if he says yes, you'll know what to do from there. you decide that part for yourself(:

but if he says no, just say

';okay, we're friends right?';

(hopefully he says yes lol)

then say

';ok. but remember, i've never stopped thinking about you. %26amp; don't plan to stop.';

wow, im good at giving answes lol jk :D!


because if you wait to long, it'll be to late! ):I'vd liked this guy for over a year and a do i get him.its a long story but please help.?
Take the initiative, ask him to go out. Don't bring up the relationship status when you're asking him. You can *slowly* bring it up when you out with him.
sounds like a soap opera
thank God for HIV and AIDS hopefully both you gay fags catch it and die
ok well out of that i think the problem is that YOU should ask him. Who cares if u are the girl but ask him out because he obviously likes u and u obviously like him

if u do get into a relationship dont end it until u are sure that u want it to be over. ok well after school u can hang out with him so it is no big deal that he doesnot go to your school

u guys met so much that it shouldnt be a big deal to go out of eachothers way

forget the past and focus on the future

forget all the texting because he said THAT HE STILL LIKES U and that is great!

he is just as crazy about you than u are as him

he and u will do great together and dont dump him over something so small as not being able to see eachother much because u can always watch a movie or go to maccdonalds together

my answer is nearly as long as ur question lol
to much to read sorry
Lol I wrote a long one that was kinda alike..mine was too long that I had tow write a shorter one to keep ppls attention...

But I don't really know what to tell you bc I need help myself lol

Keep trying..seems like he is playing hard to get now bc u kept breaking up with him bc u thought u would never see him...good things come to those who corney I know but true...

Question?? If u called ur friend and he picked up and that's how yous guys met or w.e why didn't ur friend arrange a meeting??
go eat together. and you pay, hell think thats sexy hahaha
Cool story but what is it you even want help with? If he makes

You feel that way, I would ask him out. It could be a mistake, but hey, you're young and will learn from it and it will be a fond memory
First off, long story but interesting.

Sounds like after you broke it off with him twice, he wanted to get over you. Now that you're back he's hesitant to jump back in bc you're going to break it off again. Maybe he thinks you're playing games and he's trying to give it time to figure you out. Just be straight with him and ask direct questions. For personal issues like this, never txt. Always talk on the phone or in person.
Phew! That was a really long read! Sounds like he is still very much interested in you. Who was paying your phone bills by the way!!! I would just wait for him to make the next move and maybe pretend that you don't care either way. That way he will think - yikes! Now I've gone and lost her! and maybe he will start making a better effort to reach you.
It's not very helpfull, but if he's flirting with you than that most likely means that he likes you. So to get him I would talk face-to-face when you see him. And just ask him out right then and there.
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