Monday, August 16, 2010

Guy does not text back. advice, thoughts, or opinions please?

I know this post is long but i really need help on this one. For those who are willing to read and give me answers, thanks so much for your time and effort. I appreciate it. And please do not give me ridiculous responses thank you.

So I took a class in college at the beginning of this year and made a new group of friends that i still hang out with to this day. Within the group there was a guy that i was interested in (or still am somewhat and trying to get over him). From what my friend has told me, the guy seemed to have interest in me even before i had interest in him. We did eventually find out that we had mutual feelings. Even before finding out, we would talk every time we'd see each other on AIM or text if we weren't on chat. we flirted a lot but the one problem for me was that the guy wasn't very experienced with women so he would be an introvert and shy every time we met in person and not talk as much. Kind of interesting how we talk more texting than in person. and when were in person i would be the one to talk to him. though he would initiate something , like for example arm over shoulder, to i guess try to express his feelings or somewhat. So with another existing couple within the group we would go (hang) out during summer, and have fun all the time. we even took pictures that made us look like we were dating. it felt like a double date even if we weren't officially dating. so that went well for the first 2 months of summer until my friend, a guy of the existing couple (not the one I鈥檓 talking about), had to make a trip to visit his family for about the last month of summer. After our friend left, the guy texted me (a few days after my friend left) me to see how i'm doing. this was the last text that I remember him initiating.. we texted for about a few hours that day. then a few days later i texted the group to ask if everyone was free to meet up and get some lunch but everyone was busy as well as the guy. everyone told me they would be free the next week so i told them that i would text them back the following week to confirm, and the guy told me to ';let him know';. Though during that week when the guy was out of town, for vacationing, i texted to see if he was having fun. i got no reply so i never texted back thinking i might have interrupted with his fun. the following week i texted everyone like i said to confirm if they can get lunch. one friend was too busy for the rest of the summer so he couldn't make it, my other friend gave me a call a couple of days before the meet up date to confirm, but the guy never texted back. okay, so if he doesnt want to talk to me at that time or anymore, i understand him not texting back when i asked how he was doing. but seriously even with all friends meeting up as a group, is there a reason not to text back? it's not like were going to be the only ones meeting up. and were ONLY friends to begin with, just to keep that in mind, even if we have or had mutual feelings. and he did say to ';let him know';. I haven't sent him a text since then. even my friend called to see if he can make it to meet up with the group, other numerous times, but he's already out doing something with his other friends. but surprisingly after about a month of no response from the guy, he left a comment on my myspace (a couple of days ago) saying he finished the food that my friends and I gave him for his Birthday.

so to sum it up here are my questions:

1. what is he up to after not giving me any contact for a month and suddenly coming back to tell me that he finished eating his birthday gift?

2. is there a possibility that he might be trying to leave or avoid the group? could it be because of the feeling that we have or had?

3. is there a possibility he still may be interested in me? even though i highly doubt it.

thanks for those who are willing to help me out.Guy does not text back. advice, thoughts, or opinions please?
First off. Some little paragraphs in there might have been helpful to follow easier.

For the questions:

1.) He could be having other things he has to deal with that he's not sure how to tell you. You did say he was shy. But then he could be doing ok enough now to let you know about the food. Not so sure

2.) There could be a possibility that he's wanting to leave the group. ';even my friend called to see if he can make it to meet up with the group, other numerous times, but he's already out doing something with his other friends.'; %26lt;- See, other friends. Could be but these could be old friends.

And this doesn't seem to deal anything with the feelings you 2 had.

3.) He could be. You should talk to him, ask him why he cut off contact. State you were worried about him and the sudden cut off and such. Try not to get your hopes up. Try to just figure out whats going on in his life.

Sorry it's not to much help, but he's left you alot of unanswered questions. Start trying to initiate the convo and go from there. If he doesn't want to keep up with you, then it's his loss not yours.Guy does not text back. advice, thoughts, or opinions please?
i didnt read the entire book,but he probably likes you.maybe he just doesnt have 9 hours a day to read your messages.
I think he was telling you he finished the food/birthday present as a gesture of appreciation and he came to you to tell you after getting up the courage to do so.( you said he is shy) I believe this is his way of letting you know that he wants more of your friendship otherwise he wouldn't have came to you and told you he finished the present.

If he wanted nothing to do with you he would have kept to himself still and said nothing to indicate that he appreciated the gift.

Since he is shy, I would say that you should encourage some time without the rest of the group. Maybe He wants more than texting and he likes being in your company rather than texting.

Good luck with your situation. I don't think you have anything to worry about. It sounds like you've found a friend worth holding onto.





Please take my Friendship test it's only 10 very thought out questions and a result that lets you know what kind of friend you are. Please rate it when you are finished . It will be entered into a contest. Thank you鈥?/a>
yeah... maybe he's tired of texting

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