Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Do i text him? Or do i wait? Help?

So I have this new guy friend. We've been going to the same school, but he dated one of my friends, but she was a b**** to him. But i didnt care at the time. So we kinda got to be good freinds. We're band geeks together because our moms wont let us quit. We catch each others eye a lot and i dont really know why. I catch him looking at me sometimes, but its not akward, and he smiles a lot at me. Now we text a lot, sometimes the convos are really kinda serious, and other times they are completely stupid.

I just realized that i kind of like him if you cant tell.

And he asked if I had a boyfriend and who i liked, but i was chicken and pulled the ';i dont know';. He didnt act akward or anything, just kept right on talking. I just dont understand him.

But after rambling...i am going to state ffa convention this week, and hes not going. so i'm wondering if i should text him while i'm gone. would it be weird or seem like im desperate? or would it just look like i want to be friends? and i dont know how to start a convo with him, or to ';flirt over text';

Any suggestions? Does he like me? If so, what do i do?Do i text him? Or do i wait? Help?
You obviously like the guy and if he didn't want to talk to you he wouldn't already be talking to you! If he is your friend right now yes you should message him it wouldn't be weird especially if you message a lot already. Make sure that its not like he is talking to one of his buddies but still be yourself. I wish you the best of luck!! ^_^Do i text him? Or do i wait? Help?
If you like the boy and want to form a relationship there's no reason to not tell him how you feel. If he doesn't want to date just shrug it off and remain platonic. No biggie, there will be many more boys to crush on. If it's easiest through texting than do it that way! Best of luck.
yeah u should txt him like in the car and jsut be like im bored so i decided to txt u lol. i think he likes u. and u flirt over txt the same way u do in person. but u have to be more up front and stuff.
It's totally okay for you to text him, just be casual and flirtatious, but not too much. He obviously likes you too. Be sweet and nice and keep on texting!
It seems like, you like him. And yes, i do think he likes you. So go ahead and text

when he asked dat question he wanted you no doubt jus keep texting him and find out more about him and he will ask u out so be ready 4 n e of these days 4 him 2 leave u shocked
he wants you

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