Monday, August 16, 2010

Just as i got over my x another guy led me on just to hurt me. what can i do to feel better?

i had just gotten over my break up with my x and was feeling a bit better, it had taken me ... 5.5 months to get over him. i was feeling a little bit more confident in my self and didn't feel as depressed, and even still i had a hot guy flirting with me, of course i was flirting back, i was ready again, and me being me i get attached to people very, VERY quickly, especially if they are constantly flirting with me, so we swapped numbers and then he told me that he thought i was awesome, i felt even closer, but i didn't say anything because i wasn't too sure if i could trust him, i have an intervention order against 1 person that he would call his friend, although i wasn't too sure how close they were. and he was is the group of people who are in the ';popular'; group. although he was doing tournament of the minds, that is how we met, nobody from that group ever does tournament. i thought he was nice, funny and cool. i thought wrong after he told me he loved me, ( i still didn't trust him. he was too straight out with it, almost him trying to get me to say the same thing back so he could tell all of his friends) I started to drift from him. at school i would say hi when i pass him he would ignore me, i would smile he would ignore me, even if we were alone he you start texting on his phone. I now feel used, like he did lead me on just to hurt me, why me why not somebody else, why now? what do i do? he now ignores my texts and the other day i sent him '; hi'; and he replied ';no'; what on earth does that mean? i really don't know and i just need to hear from somebody that can help, please.Just as i got over my x another guy led me on just to hurt me. what can i do to feel better?
Ok = forget him - you are so much stronger inside - get involved in a group or so volunteer work - hang out with people that you like too, be around people that make you feel good - you dont know any... that's ok so then go and find a good book and hang out at the coffee shop - now is the time to do things that you have always wanted to but never found the time - find your self learn new things take up anything that will give you self worth your better that what he is letting you feel - he is making you take your self worth down so go find your self i don't even know you but i will put you specifically in my prayers tonight - Bless your heart - with strength and a disire to love everything in life - there will be pain and struggle but you must tread on it - go and listen to fight and feel good music not anything that makes you feel melancholy at all - take care -Just as i got over my x another guy led me on just to hurt me. what can i do to feel better?
How can you feel used when YOU pushed him away? You just said like 4 billion times how you don't trust him and you didn't get close to him and you avoided getting close, and then when he blows you off you feel like you're used? I mean the guy was probably sincere about it, and when you treated him like tomorrow's nasty panties he's not gonna sit there and let you waste his time and LIFE for that matter on someone who doesn't feel the same way, he'll move on.

You let your ex pretty much screw it up for you, or HIM for that matter. He is NOT the same guy as your ex, so you need to get that through your head and live LOOSELY, but with a watchful eye.....not a cold heart.
screw him. r u in high school? who cares about this guy seriously. just another experience under your belt. don't text him or give him the time of day. do your own thing! hook up with your own friends and chill. you don't need to feel better just being with this guy! the more you whine over it; the more obvious it'll be and he's probably just like hehe...i got her. don't let him........
Well it sounds to me like you hurt him! I don't know many guys who are that open to their feelings. He told you he loved you! They don't just tell you that to get you to say it back. So you hurt him and now he is ignoring you. ';No'; meant ';enough.... you've made a fool of me enough';

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