Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How do get over him? easy 10 Points!?

OK so heres the story: In November i liked this guy named Walt and everyone told me he like me. He flirts a bunch over text with me, texted me everyday, and even the girl( Trace) he used to like told that he liked me. I waited a few months and nothing happened. A couple weeks ago, my friends all went to the movies. There Trace sat on the end next to Walt and he put his arm around her. Apparently Walt now likes her and she has liked him to this whole year. I am so confused because im trying to get over Walt. I like this other guy and he likes me but i still think of Walt. He still kinda flirts over text to me but he also texts Trace 24/7. What do i do?

I have asked this and got no answer so please help me!!How do get over him? easy 10 Points!?
i'm priactically going through the same thing. even if you still think of walt, i think you should give the guy another chance. because obviously walt likes the attention that he gets from you, but obviously likes the attention he's getting from trace. i think if he's gonna do that, then you should just try to forget about him and trace and just go for the other guy. although it doesn't seem like it now, if you go out with the other guy, you'll fall for him and just completely get over walt.How do get over him? easy 10 Points!?
i know iits hard, but it will all come in time
go for the other guy...if walt is going for a different person than you then go for a different person then him
find a new guy.

i've learned that the only way to get over an obbsession is to replace it with another.;)
forget walt he's a player. move on.
The best way is to just forget about him! He sounds like a jerk. Trust me, I get that it is hard, but once you are over him, you will be so relieved. Get this other guy's number and start texting him. Even if nothing happens, it will probably get your mind off of Walt. Good luck! And it sounds like you deserve better than Walt anyway.
kick him in the balls and everything will be fine :)

but seriously, you'll get over him. there's other fishys in the sea :)
well it sounds like he is just wanting to be your friend you should move on and except the friend ship
i would try things with the other guy you like and if you start thinking about walt, try to ignore it and think about the qualities you like in your new guy.. besides seems like he made up his mind and chose someone else.. make your move with the new guy before you lose him too..
You like him, and you like him more that he's taken. Because he can't be yours. You are distracting yourself with another guy. Spend time with your friends minus trace. Just relax. Dig into work!
hmm, i would try out this other guy, you never know, he might be the one for you and it would definitely take you mind off of walt. i mean that a weird name too, walt... if i were dating someone, it would not be a walt. so thats the story gurll and maybe just talk to this walt about everything thats going on, even though that is hard to do, it will sort out every ambiguity.

talk to him about her. see if he reallyy does.

and ask him out before he asks her out
Turn your interests to someone else.

Think of all his bad qualities.

Focus more on your friends.

And, eat lots of chocolate while slagging him off ;)

if all else fails, by a punch bag, stick a photo of him on a punchbag and take out your anger.

But, really is he worth it?!

Just get over him. He could be trying to get u jealous by making that move on trace. BOYS ARE LAME! lol like that. im still trying to decide some things with high school boys! try texting the new guy u like and if walt txts you be like hi, but try to ignore him. dont freak if he tries flirting with you. he'll porlly trying to keep his eues opened. good luck!
yes...its hard,but remove all pictures and memory of him

time heals all wounds you'll be ok
It may sound scary, but confide in this Walt. Tell him how you feel about him, and how the flirting is making these feelings stronger. It's a massive step to take, but it's worth it in the end. He even might have the same feelings towards you...good luck!
dont let him text you anymore especially he has a girl now, is he playing in your feeling? just move on and take him out from your mind
You lost your chance and he moved on so now you should too. Show him you're fine alone. Flirt, hang out with friends and do things with guys to prove to yourself it's over and your okay with it.
I think you should get over him. If he chooses a girl he already went out with over you, he's not worth your time and confusion. If he liked her all along, he's SO not worth your time. There's plenty of other boys that ARE worth your time and heart. You deserve a good one.

It's time to move on, I know it hurts but time will heal. If you don't move on you will end up being played.
choose the other guy, walt sound like a player and doesnt know what he even wants.
Look I would call him and be straight up with him about his feelings towrds you. The worst that could happen is he will tell you he wants Trace and then you have your answer. Then you can move on without a doubt in your mind. Now if he likes you then you both need to find out where your go from here. I know it is not easy being so up front but maybe he is to shy to take that step. Like I said if you take that first step you will get your answer one way or the other!!! I hope this helps. Good Luck!!!
Yeah get over him, don't waste your time on him if he's not fully commited to you. Spend time with the other guy and take your mind off him. If you ever think of Walt, then just tell yourself no and think of something else. Eventually you won't think of him at all. It takes a while but you can do it, I did.
i have been in the same situation. Don't sweat. If Walt really does like you then he will come around. Just stay away from him and don't text him back for a couple days. Play hard to get, and he will definatly come around. Trust me he will come around... It always works.
Here's the story girlfriend--FORGET him!! He's not worth the time you're wasting on him worrying about him!! He obviously is not into you, he's into Trace so move on! You have another guy who likes you so take the chance with him. And the whole texting thing, just ignore him. You do not have to answer him and eventually he will get the hint and leave you alone.
I had a 6 year relationship with my highschool sweetheart....It's been 4 years, I've dated others and I still think of her........Much less and in a different way.

My point is you will think of him and it's ok.....Don't be hard on yourself about it. That will only make you think more about the whole thing. Time really does heal all wounds......
Block Walt from texting you. Why should Walt have two or more women at the same time? You feel jealous a little because of the lies from both Walt and Trace. The new guy also texts Trace? Everybody is so fickle!!! LoL! Trace has two guys?

A real relationship is not over text. Don't do it anymore unless you do it once or twice a day. Talk on the phone or go out. Meet places and do things.

Texting relationships always have misunderstandings. You can't express feelings very well and you can't hear or see their expressions to really know if they are playing you or not.

It is a virtual relationship. Have a real one and get out of text land.

1. think of how great your new guy is, and how nice he is and what you like about him. Write all these things down

2. Then think of the stuff Walt has done to hurt you, how much he patronised you blah blah blah. Write all these things down

3. If this doesn't work, then you gunna need some guts. Ring Walt up and arrange to meet him

4. Tell Walt to stop flirting with you over texts, tell him that you thought he liked you and then he went off with Trace. Tell him to leave you alone, and stop texting you.

5. When you masturbate, masturbate to your new guy. When you have sex with your new guy, think how Walt was crap in bed. (lets hope he was!). Everyday, make sure you do new guys favourite sex thing before work. Also, when he gets home from work, make sure you have researched a new sex thing for you and him to try. When you have sex, think of nothing but how nice he is and why you like him.

6. Desperate measures!!! Ignore Walt completely. If he comes near you, pretend you don't know him. Make a board with all his pictures on it, and throw darts at it. Make a voodoo doll of him and pull it to peices. Block him out of your head. Pretend he was just an imaginary friend.

Especially pretend he was an imaginary friend when you start thinking about him randomly.

I hope that I help!!

Good Luck, and have a good time with your new partner.
look if he liked you for real i think he woulf told u already...n it sounds like he one of those guys that flirt so much ....n what i think is that when he text u the next time ask him tell him y r u texting me n flirtiung while liking someone else it depends of what he will answer n is up to to react ....if he say some stupid answer like is fun or anythin tell him u dont have time for this crap n move on before u get really attracted to him ...but if is a gud answer then i think u know what to do then..
well tell the first guy that is with trace now that he needs to stop flirt texting because you're not that kind of gal. If the second guy didn't initiate the ';liking'; then he is prolly not interested in you and you should move on to someone that is interested in you. Find someone you can have good conversation with and forget about the first guy and the non talker. Good luck

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