Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I really like this guy..?

Well theres this guy on my bus, he's a year younger than me and we are kinda friends.. He's really good friends with one of my besties and she introduced me at the start of the year.. then we started talking heaps on the bus and on msn.. We stopped talking for a little while though because she liked him and I didn't want to ruin that.. So now she's over him and I really like him again, we were talking a lot on msn again and we started texting.. I told him I liked him and he said that he liked me too and that he had liked me since the start of the year.. But he said he wasn't ready for a relationship.. So we kept talking and sending cute messages telling eachother how much we liked eachother.. Anyway the next day he texts me saying he actually doesn't like me.. So I was upset but I got over it.. A few days later though he starts texting me again saying suggestive messages and telling me how much he misses me.. I got my hopes up so I told him I still liked him.. He still didn't feel the same way.. He never looks at me on the bus, but he still flirts over text.. He's never had a girlfriend before, so I dunno.. He's a nice guy and I don't think he's a player.. but I dunno whats going on!! ..Plus I still kinda like my ex who dumped me 6 months ago and he's totally over me.. What do I do?I really like this guy..?
Stop going for immature losers, that's what you do.

Go for the older guys, not younger.

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